10 Tips for a Successful Family Outing!

When planning a family outing, here are some of the top 10 tips to making your adventure the best one yet!

  1. Prepare in advance:
    Make a plan of all the daily activities you want to accomplish that day and where to start. When you plan in advanced you can ask for everyone’s input to keep everybody excited and gives them something to look forward too! Whatever you are planning, make sure you have the proper gear to ensure a fun time for everyone! If you know you have a long day planned, make sure you have a portable battery backup to keep your phone charged for pictures and unexpected situations.
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  2. Pack the essentials:
    Make sure to check the weather and pack the essentials such as sunscreen, bug spray and a small first aid kit. You also want to bring the appropriate clothing for the day as well. A solar charging hiking backpack is a great tool to keep all your essentials stored and safe from the weather and to have that extra power needed for your phones and other electronic devices.
    Shop our Backpacks and Bags
  3. Keep it family friendly:
    It's best to plan around the age of your kids and selecting activities that your little one's can handle. Get the whole family involved in selecting age appropriate activities Remember, sometimes you do not have to go very far to create the best memories. If you have very little kids, just spending the day in the backyard may be the best option. An idea could be a veggie pod! Spend the day with the veggie pod and teach your kids about agriculture and sustainability. This will also provide a long-lasting experience as they can watch the plants grow and bear fruit!
    Shop our Vegepods
  4. Have a back up plan:
    Sometimes things do not always go as expected and having a back up plan can be the saving grace to still having a great experience. For example, you are camping and planned a big hike but all of a sudden rain hits, and you are stuck in the tent. Happens to everyone! A 125,000mah portable AC outlet with built in speaker is a great way to still play music and have fun while stuck in the tent and trying to get everyone engaged. Use this time to talk, play games and bond with your kids while you wait for better weather to arrive.
    Shop our 125,000mah Portable AC outlet with built in speaker
  5. Be prepared to be flexible:
    Do not be afraid to call it a day if everyone is exhausted. Being flexible is important to making sure everyone has a good time. Sometimes kids just need to relax and take a break as being overstimulated can cause meltdowns and tiredness. While the kids are resting, an item like an 80watt Portable solar charger is a great way to charge devices while everyone is taking a rest. You can take this time to chill, charge and plan on the rest of the day. If you are behind schedule than use the opportunity to figure out the best way to maximize your time.
    Shop our 8,000mah Portable Battery Pack with Built-in Solar Charger
  6. Be prepared:
    As I mentioned above, packing the essentials is key but sometimes having items that go beyond that is best to have as well. A flashlight for example is something you may not think about bringing during a “day” trip, but it is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. The 10 and 20 thousand mAh battery pack with solar charger is a great device to have some extra juice and have that extra light when things are looking dark. Other items include, extra water, first aid kit and extra clothing.
    Shop our 10,000mah battery pack with solar charger
  7. Make time for everyone:
    You may not have time to accomplish everything you want but make time for everyone to pick one activity. An itinerary of the day is a great way to keep it structured and will help budget your time accordingly. If you use an iPad instead of paper, having the Brightworks Energy 42,000mAh portable AC outlet on hand to keep it charged is a great way to keep the day on track! The device is portable and light way and would fit easily inside the solar backpack!
    Shop our 42,000mah Portable AC Outlet
  8. Keep it seasonal:
    Pick activities that work within the season you're planning for and the location. Make a list of fun seasonal appropriate activities in advance so everyone can participate and be excited about the planning process. During the summer there are lots of great activities to keep everyone entertained. A trip to a local trail or waterfall is a great way to spend the day as it provides many shaded areas, picnic spots and play structures for the kids to play on. Alternatively, perhaps taking an e-bike tour around the city or making a list of all the local play parks and try to go to one or two each week is another simple and cost effective way to spend time with your family.
  9. Keep the snacks nutritious:
    A solar cooler is a great item to keep your food fresh while out for the day. Keeping more healthy nutritious food and beverages on hand is the best way to make sure everyone has the energy needed for the day! Fun snacks are also great but keep it in moderation or as a special treat at your location.
  10. Have fun!
    No matter what happens, plan for every scenario that includes lots of laughs and fun spending time with your family!