18 MUST-HAVE Theme Park Essentials

Whether it’s exploring Disney World, thrilling seeking at Canada’s Wonderland for the day or going to a near by waterpark, theme parks come with their own challenges of what to pack, and how to pack light.

To fully enjoy your theme park experience, it takes a bit of planning ahead. I’ve put together this theme park packing list to help you know what essentials to bring.

  1. Water Resistant Shoes

There’s no way around it—theme parks require a lot of walking. They also involve a lot of water rides, which means the odds are very high that you will get wet at some point during your visit. Walking and mushy, wet shoes are not a good combination. Grab a pair of waterproof sneakers that are comfortable to walk in whether they are wet or dry, or bring a second pair of shoes.

  1. Chilly Pad

From misters to large ceiling fans, theme parks do their best to keep you cool throughout your visit. Still, there’s just no getting around it—theme parks can be extremely hot, especially at those peak hours between noon and 4pm. A cooling towel can help stave off the heat. For waterparks, be sure to bring your own towel or pay to rent towels where available.

  1. Charger

Whether it’s capturing the perfect selfie with your favorite character, mobile food ordering or using apps that help you navigate park maps and ride wait times, you will be using your cell phone a lot during your theme park visit and running through your battery faster than normal. A compact, lightweight charger will help make sure all that use won’t leave you with a dead battery.

  1. Blister Balm and Bandages

Visitors to theme parks love to swap stories of how many miles they walked in a single day. The numbers can be pretty impressive, with many people averaging upwards of 12 miles a day and more! Make sure you have blister balm and a variety of different size bandages on hand. It will help keep your feet up to the task.

  1. Water Bottle with Filter

Water is a necessity for making it through long days and long waits in line, but buying water in theme parks can be hard on your pocketbook. While you can always use public drinking fountains, germs are always a concern. Bring along a water bottle with a built-in filter to help fend off harmful bacteria and parasites. Your tummy (and your wallet) will thank you.

  1. Poncho

Water rides are a theme park crowd-pleaser for a reason. Not only are they are exhilarating, but that fresh spray of water offers respite from the heat of the day—unless that fresh spray of water advertised ends up resembling something closer to a tidal wave. Take heed if the ride warns “You will get wet!” Pack a poncho to make sure your water ride experience doesn’t turn into an-all-day soggy clothes extravaganza. If travelling to Disney, it ALWAYS rains in Florida. Ponchos are necessity. If you are looking for a cute Disney pattern one, don’t buy them there as they are extremely expensive. Try your local Walmart or online.  

  1. Travel Towel

Parades are a perennial favorite at theme parks, but spaces get filled up fast. Make sure you aren’t left standing in a cramped corner by bringing along a travel towel that serves double duty—it can help you dry off after a water ride, but also serves as a picnic blanket to sit on for optimal parade viewing! Compact travel towels like this one even come with storage bags, making for easier transport

  1. Backpack with Built in Solar Charger

Many rides require you to leave your belongings safely in a locker. When they don’t, it’s nice to have a lightweight backpack that can effortlessly go on the ride with you. Check out our line of solar charged backpacks and take advantage of walking around in the hot sun to charge your devices. You can also use the portable charger with the backpack as well when the day is overcast.

  1. Waterproof Cell Phone Case

A waterproof cell phone case can not only help you take photos using the double-sided clear windows, but will also keep your gadget safe as well.

  1. Hand Sanitizer

Frequent hand washing is a must when visiting a theme park — after all, those safety bars and handrails you are utilizing are touched by hundreds of other hands in a day! Washing your hands after every single ride isn’t always feasible though. A good bottle of hand sanitizer is the next best thing.

  1. Fanny Pack or Neck Wallet

While theme parks can be rightfully proclaimed some of the most magical places on earth, that doesn’t make them immune to pickpockets or wallets taking flight on an exhilarating roller coaster ride, never to be seen again in the depths of a ride’s mechanics. Don’t be a victim to either by using a neck wallet or fanny pack that is built to stave off pickpockets and forgetfulness. Also, using a fanny pack or neck wallet will give you immediate access to the things you really need throughout the day such as money, cards, phone, lip balm and bandages.

  1. Waterproof Camera

When you are taking the plunge on a rafting ride or a tall flume ride, you don’t want to be thinking about capturing the perfect picture. A waterproof camera that is not only built so sustain water but also to take voice commands can help you capture memories so you can focus on enjoying the ride.

  1. Lightweight Windproof Umbrella

only thing worse than raining on your parade might be raining on your visit to your favorite theme park. With a lightweight umbrella, your day won’t be ruined even on drizzly days.

  1. Travel Insurance Theme Park Trip

The odds that something will go wrong while you are traveling to a theme park are pretty low, but if something does go wrong, medical bills can be hefty. A travel insurance policy can not only keep you protected, it can also give you peace of mind.

  1. Deodorant or Refresh Wipes

Between water rides and waits in line under the hot summer sun, theme parks can make you long for a cooling shower. Stay refreshed on the go with deodorant wipes.

  1. Bug Spray and Sunscreen

The only critters you want to encounter at a theme park are the cute cuddly kinds that starred in your favorite movies. Keep the other less desirable critters away with a bug spray that is suitable not only yourself, but for your children. Sunscreen is extremely important when hitting an amusement park. You will be on the hot pavement for an entire day walking around so be sure to protect your skin and reapply every 4-5 hours.

  1. Snacks and small travel games/colouring

Pack snacks!!! I can’t stress this enough. Amusement parks are famous for being super expensive to buy food and drinks at. If you’re travelling with kids, save yourself by having snacks ready for the long line waits as well as small things that can entertain your kids while waiting.

Other theme park trip list items NOT to forget:

Windproof/Waterproof Jacket
Sunglasses and case
Hair ties
First-aid kit
Hand wipes
Stain remover pen
Selfie stick - not allowed at Disney
Memory Card
Flash Drvie
Brimmed hat